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Free Daily Tarot Reading - (11/06/20)

Free Daily Tarot Reading - (11/06/20)


There is either some cancellation or some sort of separation for you as per the cards. Communication has been challenging for you, could be in relationships, business connections or be it keeping your amazing idea in the meeting. This could make the rivals feel good. But this challenge in communication is more internal. You maybe lacking the belief in yourself. This is a good time to know who genuienly cares for you. 


When it comes to friendship, Taurus, you are a good friend. As you are vibing well, you are also attracting the right people in your life. But no story is complete without a villian. Someone wants to control your actions. Someone superior to you, most probably. Sometimes destiny has other plans for us. Appreciate the difficult part of life, it's the best way to unleash your strengths. Maybe, call it a day and move forward.


You have sorted your mind for few things, your needs and desires. Now you have a clear idea about your goals. If any situation, approaches you, stop relax yourself, give it a thought , listen and respond don't react. Also, be clear with your messages. It's time for a 'haste free communication' . Remind yourself where you have placed your guards and why ? Act on your own, without the outer influences. Family life is good. Physical activities recommended.


A Cancer in it's highest vibration understands what generousity means. Seems like a taylored day for love. You are ready to jump into the field. If the past shows up, address what is supposed to be addressed. Your new connection could be karmic. Be open to the possibilities. Some issues are still stuck in your heart and soul. Keep them back, and move forward in life.


You are getting insights and certain messages from your guides. But why are you ignoring this? Is it fear? Are you running away from a work which can't be done as there is no space in your to-do-list. Don't tell me, just be honest with yourself. There might be some chaos in your surrounding. Take care of the people around you. Maybe, lend them an ear.


Surround yourself with the right people, and you will start to see yourself flourish. Rely on your intuition. What you think as a blockage in your path is far away from you. You have enough time to plan and act. Be ready to handle some disagreements and realise that your understanding of the matter has depth. The best ideas, initulially are mostly mistead by the people.


You are into some kind of research work and analysing, looking into the details. Sounds more like you are doing some internship or taking online courses or some webinars. And you are going to find the important information that you are looking for. Feels like the eureka moment. Something significant! You are going to be idealised by a group of people. Maybe, in your locality, town, country or world, who knows. Keep nourishing your work choices.
(Not predicting anything big happening on global level, just reading the cards. Also might not resonate with everyone)


Finally you, Scorpio, have thought to put a full stop on the fear, doubts, pessimistic approach towards life. So happy for you, you understood that, what's true can't be denied. You have also taken back your power by not pondering over other people's opinion. And once, you are all set, here comes the blessings, the wealth, and everyghing amazing that you can think off!


Change the people who were once with the old sagittarius but haven't been able to keep up with your transformation. Today, reading is recommended. We know, you like it, so do it.
There is someone who is restless and looking for a place to dispose off the frustration. Don't be too generous, as you may end up making yourself trashbin.
Keep a check on your weight.


Your focus has shifted from pentacles, the money, to relationship. You desire a good commitment now. Makes one wonder, that it was opposite earlier, right? Is that making you crazy now, because before you left an amazing offer as you were too busy. Now you fear that, they are already seeing someone. Now you want to talk to them but you feel you are now a bad news for them.
Let's hope for the best Capricorn.
And it's okay to feel certain way, let feelings flow.


You are representing yourself out there. Taking inspiration from the world. The good and the bad both has inspired you. You seem to be artistic, deeply concentrated and crazy in your own world. The higher forces are interacting you and you are working with the energies. It could be anything creative and might be occult work. You are going to be recognised for your work. On the right path, and you will get desired results.


There is some resistance. You want to say something but you are not able to. It's like your intuituion is telling you something but you can't say it out in the open. Maybe, you think that it will be hard for people to hear the truth now, so for now, you are keeping it to yourself. As you fear it may spoil the balance and peace in your surrounding. And you decide to continue with your everyday errands.


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