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Weekly Tarot Reading (8/06/20- 15/06/20)


Knowing that it's your bad day is empowering.
It seems like you are going to invest a chunk of money into something that will benefit you later. You can belive on your insticts and you know that your decisions are going to bring you fortune. And you might be celebrating with friends and closed ones (with precautions, ofcourse!). There is someone who has an eye on your precious and it could be anyone. There are rivals around you and you might be clueless about it.
Your love life is 'casual' and you know it that you are compromising...there might be complications in your love life. Know that you don't have to do anything you don't feel like doing...maybe you need to engage your self in other hobbies, creative work in order to build a clearer prospective on current situation. Look out for red flags, someone might be backstabbing you(don't go nuts about it,sometimes backstabbing could be as simple as 'lying', that they like your favourite movie but they don't in real , so don't overthink). May be consider consulting your father.


Your world has been hazy, lately. Accept that uncertainity is a part of life and somethings are revealed only with time. In your love connection there is a chance that you and your partner are not sincere with each other.
Something might be on it's way, look closely for expenditure. Make sure you don't waste money but spend it by planning about it all the way. Hold your principles close to yourself it will help you get through difficult times. Take one day at a time.
A new friendship is on it's way.


A new friendship is on it's way (weird that the gemini and tauras spread are connecting). The day seems to be good for love and education. Positive in health and emotions. Love will be reciprocated. Something will bring you joy and contentment. Who knows, maybe, you are winning a lottery. You know you deserve this, you have been through a lot. Lately, you have been living with an unattached attitude as a consequence of your past lessons. You have realised your what your higher calling is, and learnt a big lesson.
In your work, don't get distracted, maintain the interest and consistently put hardwork in it. When you are surrounded by worry make sure you dance a bit and shake things off.


You are very stable and are establishing your power. You have the peace of mind. When confused check again for the right direction. Also, note that, nothing is right or wrong. Be easy on yourself. You might be getting some dreams. Divine mesages are trying to reach you through different ways. Look closely!
We all are together in this tough time. Little carefulness doesn't hurt. Also, know this that some of your mistakes which you think are too big can be corrected very easily. Don't be too materialistic but rather look for spiritual growth.
Someone might be falling for you, maybe now,at this moment, while you ar reading this.


As you decide to leave your comfort zone, you get all the wealth, the spiritual and the material. You have someone, could be your partner, who is very supportive and loving. But make sure you both are not hasty in the connection. You both are sharing responsibilities and integrity. That's a good omen on spiritual grounds. Kudos! Though the connection is very raw right might have a dè javu about a short period where you will be away from your partner.
Stay mindful, you might attract jealousy. Evil eye alert!


They are the part of our lives.
Know that, no matter how hard we try we won't be able to know all the details. I know how much you love to get into details. But let time unfold things. Some forbidden thoughts may cross your mind but instead put your faith in unconditional love and selflessness. You might be developing interest in ancient mythology or biology, science. Have a close look on partnerships, relationships, friendships. You might be involving yourself in some social work.
There might be some delay in your curent projects but just stick to them. Enjoy the process. Something new is about to start, something related to constructive expression.

I think you are doing your work effieciently.
What are you running away from? Feelings? Running away from problems and baggages and putting all the efforts in the work will keep you busy, but for how long? Address what is supposed to be addressed. Maybe take the help of your next to, next door neighbour, saggitarius, to go to the roots. They are the experts! You are wise, and luck is by your side. Heal and breath!
Take care of your mental space. Change will not be pleasant but successful.
Note, don't fall for someone who is scared of catching feelings. Don't betray yourself.


Reconcilliation is on it's way!
Let's celebrate love as it has won against all the odds. Also, professional life is good. You might receive important information from unusual source. Be careful about who has an influence on you. There could be hidden agendas much deeper and significant than you think. Have a close watch.
You know that you are usually not wrong about your instincts.


Some one is at the corner to hit you, the one that you least expect. Take it easy, as you always do. You have been warned and you will get through it. 
Sag, are you keeping it casual?
It's okay if you do.
There is success ahead of you in creative endeavours. So write, paint, dance, decorate or maybe sing. Let the creative juices out.
No matter how tough situation seems, there is always a ray of hope. Look for the damage and see if it could be repaired. If not, then move on. Sometimes it's just the karma that binds us, don't overthink.


Small changes brings recognisation and great satisfaction. No matter how difficult situations might be on professional front, they can still be resolved. I don't doubt on your commitment towards work but what about relationships? Keep a check on anger, resentment, anxiety, despair. Know that these things affect our body directly. 
Is your neck hurting? 
Now you know why. 
Take help, we all need someone at somepoint of time. And its okay. I know the isolation period has been difficult. It's the right time for reflection. Maybe you can explore your sensitive side a little. And we are never too old to learn new things.


You have given the matter a thought for the longest time. Used all your logics but still the situation is not 100% certain. Time for leap of faith. Which archives are you digging in, today? Whatever it is , it's helpful and bringing you goodness. Are you snooping around? Stalking, and calling it important for the big project? Stop it aqua!
We know you have those abilities to even contact to aliens but is it necessary?


Someone thinks you are a snack or maybe the whole meal. Be careful. And there you are living in your land of joy, sunshine and dreams. Learn the art of leaving things the way they are... cut yourself off from all the toxic situations no matter how difficult it seems. It's all worth the liberation. Remember, the wheel of fortune will turn upwards. Don't let these outer influences get to your health. Sometimes you need to loose something in order to get something even more bigger. Dreams have a power, don't let them die. Time is favorable for business.


  1. I like your blog tarot reading is awesome♥️

  2. Nice presentation! well-written article. Keep sharing.


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